Next Generation - RIB & High Speed Craft WORKSHOP

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Grand Harbour - Southampton 26 October 2016

Next Generation RIB & High Speed Craft Workshop is being held in Southampton, UK on 26 October 2016 as part of a 3 day programme of specialist events.

The unique and fast moving programme focuses on high speed craft in the sub IMO / sub 24m professional sector. Topics are relevant to Workboats, Pilot Boats, Patrol Boats, Search & Rescue, Survey Vessels & Superyacht Tenders.

Workshop organiser, John Haynes said, ‘We focus on viable innovation and using people’s time effectively. Next Generation events are dynamic and relevant, with plenty of long breaks to encourage networking and knowledge sharing. Changes are coming fast in the high speed craft sector. We know that having the right people onboard is essential and there is no substitute for meeting the experts face to face when asking the hard questions.’

Workshop topics include:

•    Specialist small craft for extreme applications
•    The next generation of innovative hull forms and materials
•    COTS - Commercial Off The Shelf procurement
•    Balancing the need for speed with reliability and durability
•    The changing requirements of WFSV - Wind Farm Support Vessels
•    How pilot boat services and pilot cutter designs are evolving
•    Using multi-role workboats as patrol boats
•    Tube technology including foam collar versus inflatable collar
•    USVs - Unmanned Surface Vehicles go from concept to service
•    GMTT 2030 - Global Marine Technology Trends for the next decade and beyond

If you are interested in presenting:

Submit your suggested 30 minute Workshop Session Title, 250 word Summary and 150 word Bio to: Workshop Lead - John Haynes john@shockmitigation.com

For further information contact: Julie Arthur directory@shockmitigation.com

RIB & HIGH SPEED CRAFT Workshop – Home >


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