Seawork 2024

11 - 13 June 2024
Mayflower Park, Southampton, UK
View Event Website for More Information
Seawork 2024 is being held at the waterside location Mayflower Park in Southampton, UK from 11 to 13 June 2024.
Since 1998 Seawork has delivered a unique on-shore and on-water trade exhibition. Seawork is Europe’s largest commercial marine exhibition with conference and awards attracting 7,500 industry professionals, 10,000 products and services plus over 70 vessels.
Vessels and craft suited to a host of operations will be available for visitors to view. On water demonstrations are a vital part of Seawork and exhibitors are always kept busy with a stream of potential customers ready to assess the performance of their craft. A variety of vessels regularly slip from the marina to utilise the fast demonstration area on Southampton Water.
The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) engages with maritime professionals at Seawork who can attend meet-the-buyer sessions in order to discuss export and tendering opportunities. For many years Seawork has welcomed inward international delegations from a diverse range of countries, all of whom attend to explore far-reaching procurement opportunities.
As Europe’s leading event of its kind, Seawork will be celebrating its 24th anniversary with a packed schedule including the Seawork Conference which will once again be offering thought-provoking sessions covering a wide variety of topics.
Seawork organiser Andrew Webster, CEO of Mercator Media, commented, 'The inaugural Seawork was a great success in 1998, where we attracted over 1,000 attendees. Back then there was so little opportunity for the European commercial marine market to come together under one roof and conduct business. We knew from speaking with different companies that everyone was experiencing the same frustrations therefore we built the platform to bring the industry together. Seawork continually develops and evolves over the years, remaining true to its core, whilst developing focus on the emerging sub-sectors.’
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